What Matters Most

What matters most to you? If you open up your photo reel on your phone, you’ll find the answer pretty quickly. There won’t be pictures of your credit cards, or regularly updated shots that capture the inside of your wallet.

You’ll find photos of your kids, your friends, your family. The places you go with those people, the food you prepare for them and share with them. You might have snapped a cute outfit, or the view out the window as the afternoon light fell across your driveway. Chances are, these pictures won’t be great quality. They’re probably blurry and off-centre, capturing as much of the mess on the floor as the joy on your child’s face as she squeezes play-dough through her fingers.

But this is your life! This is what really matters. The humans you are blessed to spend your days with, and the home that you share with them.

And right in the middle of all this joyful chaos, hiding behind the camera, is you.

You and your precious heart serving these precious humans, big and small. You and your gentle hands reassuring them that they will always be welcome in your home.  You collapsing in the quiet moments at the end of the day, knowing that you have given your best and then some.

We see you in these quiet moments. We see your value, and we want to make sure you know how much you matter. We want you to be able to fully immerse yourself in the little moments that remind us to cherish what matters most to us. But to be able to do that, you’re going to need to cherish yourself first.

This is why we are bringing you Humans + a Home. We want you to know that you are precious and valued and worthy of the same kind of love you keep pouring out for others. And we hope that reminding and encouraging you to cherish yourselves will help us to do the same, because we could all do with a little more of that.

We’re so glad you’ve joined us!

Welcome home.

M + L xxx

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