• Where on Earth is my Village?

    We’ve all heard it a thousand times: It takes a village to raise a child. But have you ever wondered where your village is? I certainly have. I’m sure this phrase was coined back when said villages were exactly that. A village. A ‘group of houses… smaller than a town, situated in a rural area’. Back then you didn’t choose your village. There was no choice. It was likely the one you were born and raised in, which came complete with people, whether you liked them or not. It would have been a safe environment in which children could run and play, or work with their parents and friends’ parents,…

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  • What Matters Most

    What matters most to you? If you open up your photo reel on your phone, you’ll find the answer pretty quickly. There won’t be pictures of your credit cards, or regularly updated shots that capture the inside of your wallet. You’ll find photos of your kids, your friends, your family. The places you go with those people, the food you prepare for them and share with them. You might have snapped a cute outfit, or the view out the window as the afternoon light fell across your driveway. Chances are, these pictures won’t be great quality. They’re probably blurry and off-centre, capturing as much of the mess on the floor…

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