• Afternoon Tea in Twenty Minutes

    Don’t you love spontaneous invitations to afternoon tea? I do! But I also love taking home-baked goods when I visit friends. I’ve got a new recipe that has come to your rescue for when you’ve had that last-minute invite. What’s even better, is that if you take advantage of the gloriously gross long-life cream, you’ll always have the ingredients on hand. I’ve never been one to buy long-life dairy products until we moved to the outback. But I am a changed woman- they are an essential here. Enter: the lightest, fluffiest (and super quick and easy) tea scones. They are so fast to whip up (you can even use your…

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  • Your New Favourite Soup

    Ok, I’m not going to make you read through a memoir of my life, telling in great detail of the joy of my first taste of soup or the trauma I experienced when I ordered soup in Paris (never even been there). I’m just gonna give it straight to you. Just download the file below. There you have it! Tonight’s dinner sorted.

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  • Where on Earth is my Village?

    We’ve all heard it a thousand times: It takes a village to raise a child. But have you ever wondered where your village is? I certainly have. I’m sure this phrase was coined back when said villages were exactly that. A village. A ‘group of houses… smaller than a town, situated in a rural area’. Back then you didn’t choose your village. There was no choice. It was likely the one you were born and raised in, which came complete with people, whether you liked them or not. It would have been a safe environment in which children could run and play, or work with their parents and friends’ parents,…

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