Hello friends!
It’s so nice to meet you. Let us tell you a bit about ourselves, and how we created Humans + a Home.

Lauren is a crafty mum-of-three who loves to make magic with her hands. She bakes, sews, writes, upcycles, and refurbishes old furniture in between running her home and homeschooling her middle kiddo. She loves to give new life to things, which is also how she approaches friendship. Lauren is the sort of person whose company always makes you feel lighter and happier!

Mon is a nap-loving mama of four, who loves learning new things. She looks for the deeper meaning under the chaos of life and makes long lists of things she’d love to do but probably won’t get around to, at least not for another few years! She loves to encourage other women to get more out of life and be kind to themselves as they serve others.

We decided to create Humans + a Home as a place where we can embrace the chaos of raising kids, and seek to be grateful for everything we already have in a world that tells us we are lagging behind. We are thankful for our homes, and thankful for the humans we get to share it with!

We hope we can encourage you to be thankful for your chaos too.

xxx M & L